Alpha and Omega Seed Crystal Keepers
Welcome to this website created for those who have graciously accepted the honor and sacred call to hold and ground the Alpha and Omega crystal energies on Earth at this time. We so appreciate your responding to Master Melchizedek's call to serve Mother Earth and humanity in this way.
(Launched September 5, 2006, updated December 1, 2007)
Status Report (Last updated December, 2007)
How the
A&O Crystals Are Seeded
Care of Your A&O Crystal (new October 2006,
updated May 2007)
Sharing of First Impressions and Experiences (updated
A&O Crystals (new December 2006, updated monthly)
Congress of the Ancients (August 2006 Message
from A&O Crystal Keeper Barbara LaRocca)
E'Lara and Russell: The A&O Master Crystal
Keepers and the Crystals
A&O Seed Crystal Keepers (names and email
Pets Holding the A&O Crystyal Energy (new December
Note: The initial phase of the A&O Crystal Grid project was completed in November 2007. Our guidance is that no more crystals are to be offered to individuals or seeded locationally for about the next 10 months or so. Periodic upgrades/downloads will be performed for existing A&O crystals (both locational and those held by A&O Crystal Keepers). Because of this, the monthly updates have been discontinued. When there is new information to share you will be notified that an update has been made to the A&O site.
We thank each of you for your service that has taken us to this point and for your continued dedication to this project as the work is ongoing. Our focus now is on maintaining equilibrium, and that will evidently be a full-time project in Master Melchizedek's eyes. :)
Introduction from Your Webmaster, Russell
On June 2, 2006, I received an email from E'Lara Susan Hannah 16 days after we first connected by email. The email's subject was "One of These is Yours" and attached were images of three amazing Vogel crystals. I knew without a doubt when I viewed Star Maker that it was "the One" --- which confirmed E'Lara's own direction. I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams the changes that would be happening in my life when that same day I found where it could be purchased and bought it. Nor did E'Lara have an inkling about what was going to happen six weeks later, when she was guided to request a conference call with Judith Moore (Oracle of Ibis), Sean Sands (Scribe of Ibis), and me. Judith is a remarkable, conscious channel; and during the session that day E'Lara's Lemurian Light Ray crystal and Star Maker were activated as the Alpha and Omega Crystals of the Masters of Solomon. E'Lara and I were then initiated as keepers of these crystals. Relevant portions of the transcript of that ceremony on July 13, 2006, (JKM 7-13-06 Transcript) were shared with each of you upon delivery of your A&O seed crystal.
The Masters of Melchizedek came in strongly during that session. We were awed and humbled when we realized that Master Melchizedek himself was guiding the identification of individuals to be offered crystals seeded by the unified field created through "our" A&O Master Crystals along with the precise timing of their distribution. As the process of seeding and distribution of these crystals unfolded, it became evident that each crystal was being selected and downloaded with energies and information that are tailored specifically for the individual receiving that crystal. At the same time, there is a collective energy that is unfolding as we receive and use these crystals. It is our understanding that as pertinent energetic events occur on Earth these seed crystals will be energetically updated, accordingly, as long as they continue to be in the possession of the dedicated A&O Crystal Keeper.
This website has been created to allow A&O Crystal Keepers to share information and experiences and to provide opportunities to create personal connections among those who feel drawn to do so. Email addresses are provided below. If any of you prefer that your email address not be included, please let us know. This is a restricted site, and we ask that you not share the user name or password to this website with others. If you know anyone who might be a candidate to receive an A&O crystal, please send their name and email address to E'Lara ( or Russell ( for consideration. All recipients are being identified by Master Melchizedek himself.
Blessings, Love and Light, Russell
PS This secure website was originally intended for another project that was to be titled Environmental Conflict Mediation Services International (ECMSI), hence the obscure domain name. We understand this obscurity to be actually desirable considering the sacred and generally private nature of this work.
By the end of November 2007, 81 individuals, including E'Lara and Russell, from ten countries (Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, South Africa and U.S.) had received A&O seed crystals or had crystals seeded etherically. This seems to be the magic number for the present time. It is possible that we will receive guidance in the future to offer the crystals to more individuals, but that remains to be seen. Future seedings of Locational crystals may also occur. Right now we are in a holding pattern with no specific guidance but open to all possibilities.
How the A&O Crystals Are Seeded (Russell's part updated December 2006)
E'Lara: My procedure for preparing and programming the A&O Seed Crystals is rather simple. Crystals designated as potential A&O Seed Crystals are first put into the Power Grid I have created inside my 7-ft square pyramid for about 24 hours. This Power Grid is a 17-inch-diameter circle made of crystals connected end to end in a circular formation. There are many sacred tools that reside within that circle. Once cleared within that space, I have placed the cleared crystals, as led, either in the pyramid or throughout my house awaiting the call to participate in this World Service.
Once an individual agrees to become a keeper of an A&O Seed Crystal, I then pendle on the day chosen for programming to see which crystal piece is to be programmed for that particular individual. The pendulum is very clear on the selection. It is not a "general" selection in any way. Master Melchizedek's guidance through the pendulum is very specific. I then place my left hand (receiving hand) on Lemurian Light Ray --- a 28-lb Lemurian point which is the Alpha Crystal and which resides underneath my altar. In my right hand (transmitting hand) I hold the selected crystal. In that position I set the intent and name the individual for whom this crystal is being prepared. A command is then given for this crystal to be programmed as an Alpha and Omega Seed Crystal for the named individual by the Masters of Solomon. I then ask for a sign as to when that is complete, and it usually takes less than 20 seconds once the request for programming has been verbalized. I then quickly thank the crystals and the Masters involved for their service. Once programming is complete I ask where the crystal is to reside as it awaits packaging and mailing. Usually it ends up in the pyramid but can possibly reside on my altar for a time. All is done in accordance with higher direction and in total trust on my part as channel for this sacred service.
Russell: It has been interesting for me to observe how E'Lara's and my working styles are so different, yet our work together meshes effortlessly. The one thing we have in common is that we both operate intuitively, without the benefit (or, as our Guides apparently see it, distraction) of clairvoyant or clairaudient high sense perception. The angelic Being Kryon has noted that, although Spirit loves ceremony, it is not required. E'Lara uses a simple, no-nonsense procedure for seeding the A&O crystals; I like ceremony, perhaps because there was so little of it in my Quaker upbringing.
I began the seeding process by placing the selected crystals on an altar dedicated to the Elementals of Windgather Glade, the sacred place on our 36-acre homestead in southern Indiana where I do much of my energy work (when the weather is inclement, I use the small altar that I have in my study). I thank and honor the five sacred elements --earth, fire, water, air and ether -- and give thanks in the seven sacred directions -- east, west, north, south, below, within and above. I express my gratitude to all those from higher dimensions who will assist with the process. I prepare each crystal to receive the download through Star Maker, the Omega Crystal, and me as channel, by holding it in my right hand and Star Maker in my left hand. Explosive breathes first clear the crystals of any extraneous energies they may have accumulated during their journey to this point in time, and then deeper energetic layers are opened up to receive the download through Star Maker.
Once cleared and prepared, each crystal is seeded separately by placing the base of Star Maker on the crystal as I tone. I never know quite what is going to happen when I go into energy channeling mode, but my conscious mind is fully aware and observing with interest what my body and vocal chords are doing. The toning associated with each individual crystal is never exactly the same, but so far I have observed four major types of tone patterns: 1) a series of descending notes, 2) "my" signature melodic tone sequence that dates from Lemurian times, 3) a sequence of rapid-fire falsetto yipping and beeping tones, a kind of toning that often is expressed when I am aware of working with Elemental energies, and 4) unique or very uncommon tone sequences. The entire seeding process for a group of four crystals takes around ten minutes.
In the last category, for example, when I seeded Barbara LaRocco's crystal (which provided the information about the Congress of Ancients below) there was a melodic tone sequence that I had never heard before, and I have done a lot of toning in recent years. The interesting thing is that nine days later similar toning emerged when I was doing a personal energy session with someone, and I now recognize these "tunes" to have Atlantean energy. Another example of this last category is Rhona's crystal, which was seeded with the prettiest little tune that I have ever toned while channeling. I wish I had had a tape recorder to capture it because I can't remember any of it now. Another unusual seeding was David's crystal--the closest thing I can think of to describe the vocalizations is the nasalf/gutteral speaking/singing in Japanaese Noh theater. During Rebecca's crystal seeding in November, there was a combination of the vocalizations described previously for David's crystal and a strange ululating that my vocal chords had never done before.
If you have your own procedures for taking care of other crystals you own they probably are suitable for your A&O seed crystal(s) as well. However, in response to a question, it has come to our attention that for some reason the A&O energies are not compatible with the use of a purple energy plate for clearing (for more information on these plates see: When Russell first got Star Maker, he didn't even know that you were supposed to take care of crystals by cleansing or clearing them periodically. Any crystal who volunteers to work closely with Russell is presumably forewarned that it is signing up for rough and tumble duty. Although he treats them with great affection, he does nothing to pamper them. The physically- and etherically-seeded A&O seed crystals have a similar heavy duty, low maintenance character, although if there is a real heavy duty job or intense work going on, they might benefit from being rinsed once in a while. If you have any questions about this, E'Lara is the one to contact.
Update from E'lara in response to Cheryl's question about cleansing of A&O crystal she had let someone else use (4/15/07): As I was asking for guidance around this issue of cleansing I was given that no cleansing would be needed. Of course, that is the answer now and who knows what it will be by the time Cheryl is finally able to bring it home. :-} These crystals have been created to be self-cleansing and/or self-correcting because there is a constant flow of Divine Light moving through them for this A&O Project. Because of that I think the issue of cleansing will rarely be an issue. What comes to mind is to mention that Russell has been made aware in his clearing rituals for the A&O Project when something is not right among the A&O crystals, too, which then brought about corrective actions on the spot. However, Cheryl, if you feel a personal need to cleanse this crystal upon its return there are several ways to handle that: 1) wash in warm soapy water using natural soap; 2) just holding under tepid running water is sometimes sufficient; 3) soak in salt water, or 4) place in the sun for several hours. There are many methods but these would be most universal.
Barbara (11/21/07): I do a lot of tuning and healing work with crystals, and have had the A&O crystal on a tray with my other crystals, all of which come from a very high energy source in Brazil. Through the time I've had the A&O crystal, I've rarely been drawn to work with it directly until recently, but have experienced its energy in connection with my other crystals and harmonics healing work. Last month I felt a strong pull to hold it and bring it to the third eye. As soon as I did so, I felt a strong "wrongness", something undefined but clearly negative. The distortion wasn't in the crystal itself, but in something attempting to reach me through the crystal. Aaron [Barbara's Guide] confirmed this.
As a medium, I'm used to the visitation of occasional negative energy. I treated this the way I treat all negativity, to greet it with love and make a clear statement of my own positive polarity. I continued to hold the crystal at first; it felt like holding a telephone, that it was a link to whatever was present at the other end. Then I put it down and spent about 1/2 hour clearing my own energy and mind, releasing any negativity. When I put it down, I picked up a different crystal as an experiment, but did not feel that wrongness with the second (non A&O) crystal. After I put it down, I continued to feel myself watched, but just ignored that presence and worked first with clearing my physical and energetic bodies, then the emotions. Finally I stated my highest values. I say it as, "This mind and body are consecrated to the Light and to service to all beings, for the highest good and with non-harm to any being."
When I felt very clear, I picked up the A&O crystal again. It immediately had that "telephone" quality; something was there. I welcomed it and made the above statement to it. I offered service if it came also as consecrated to the highest good, to Light and to Love. With that challenge, whatever was there left. The crystal felt highly energized, but no longer as if it was connecting me to an entity.
I cleansed the crystal and sat back down with it. Aaron and the healing entities with whom I work suggested returning to my original plan, to hold the crystal at the third eye. The meditation that followed was profound. The third eye was already very open. The A&O crystal was implanted into the third eye, an experience I have had before with other crystals.
I moved into a very deep meditational space for about an hour, with the meditation linked with some more conscious statements of commitment to service and to the Light. This implant seemed to further open all the chakras and I know was related to the DNA changes, but there was no discomfort as I've experienced in the past with DNA work.
When I ended the meditation. Aaron spoke to me about the Andromedan connections of these A&O crystals and the initiations that come with them. He emphasized the importance to always tune and challenge when working with them, because they are very powerful and do attract mischievous energies. Also to offer gratitude at the close of the sessions.
I'm happy to speak to anyone who has questions about what I've said. You also may want to look at our web site, for some of Aaron's talks related to these topics.
Lisa (10/29/07): We went to see the movie "Into The Wild" which really touched me and opened me up emotionally. When I woke up early the next morning my heart was wide-open and painfully tender. I felt like crying just for the sake of crying and went to bathroom to cry my eyes out alone. I went back to bed and woke up a couple hours later, my heart feeling better but still tender and very large, without the pain. I asked my higher-self what that was all about and learned it was a past life memory that I needed to release. Later that day I went to a friend's house for some group healing. One of the group, who is very energy sensitive and clairvoyant, said she could see blue and green streams of light flowing down and into my heart. She said they looked like twisted crepe-paper party ribbons. Later that day I queried spirit again about what was going on and learned it was some sort of activation from the A&O crystal. The next day or so I had an incredible headache as an energetic detox reaction from all the higher light I received. I can feel my heart so much more now, like it is bigger, fuller, and full of energy. I get sensations in it kind of like I have been getting in my Third Eye when something strikes a chord with me or when I'm consciously connected to a higher aspect of myself. I think it's about moving from my head to my heart in how I perceive everything in my reality.
White Spirit Dove/Doreen (9/4/07): Just wanted to share that I have been drawn to use my A&O crystal most recently, after the download recently on the 24th of Aug. Just to keep my energies in balance and for healing a burn, just last the way, the burned finger healed over and I have no pain. The pain lasted only a few minutes after I started working with the crystal. This little friend is always in my reach for whatever knocks on the door to test me.
Polly (5/2/07): I've been wearing my crystal most days and find myself at peace with just about everything. It's a nice space to be living in :o)...[Later]: I don't mind if you post my comment, although I have to be honest...I don't sense any dramatic energies like two of my friends did when I had them hold the crystal. Lucia was awestruck by its power, gifted with psychometry as she is. Lori also felt the stone's energy. I feel a subtle pulse, which may be my own ;o) I just trust that at a level I do not have access to (yet) the stone is doing the work it is programmed for.
Cheryl (4/12/07): I showed one of my seeded crystals to a friend and she borrowed it to help with the healing of her sister’s son. The crystal is now with the sister’s friend who is very sick and who is finding much comfort from the presence of the crystal. I am hoping that this is the sort of thing it was intended for. [Response from E'lara: This is a good use (hopefully it will be coming back) --- of course it means that that particular crystal is out of hand for awhile. If that crystal doesn't come back, then it would not receive any additional downloads as they become available --- it would just be maintained at its current status (see also update related to cleansing of loaned-cjrystals. Note from Russell: In Cheryl's case I had been guided to seed and send two crystals. If you think you might be guided to lend A&O crystals out to others remember that we can etherically seed crystals in your possession. Let us know if you have crystals that volunteer for to be seeded]
Romaine (4/6/07): E’Lara, you also told me that the A&O Crystal also served to protect me and this has been a great comfort. I want to let you know about the interesting experience I had with this Crystal on March 29. That evening I was faced with a dilemma – do the Divine or do what I considered to be ‘just’. I decided to go along with being human but found that I was not capable of seeing it through, so I backtracked and did what I knew in my heart to be right. In the act of doing this, my A&O Crystal fell out of my bra (where it usually is most days) and smashed onto the stone floor. I felt devastated when I realized what had happened but recalled you telling me not to be concerned about others handling the Crystal or if it got chipped etc because it would not affect the Crystal in itself. When I picked it up, I found that only the bottom part of the A&O had broken off and I felt that it had actually released the old to reveal the brilliantly shiny new – as a reflection of my own growth! I was amazed at this synchronized development – but it doesn’t end here… I was concerned that perhaps the rather jagged bottom of the Crystal would make it unsuitable to slip into my bra in future, so I ran my thumb across it to check. The A&O actually did make small slice into my flesh and caused it to bleed! E’Lara, you had a similar experience with a Crystal which was new to your home late last year didn’t you? Is this some sort of DNA exchange ? Have any other A&O Crystal Keepers had similar experiences that you know of? [Note from Russell: please let us know if you have]
Sue S. (4/5/07): Just thought I would report some uses of the crystal. I have used it in meditation and I carry it with me in my "briefcase" when I go to work with a client. This is because in BodyTalk sessions there are frequently "downloads" where one sits and waits for the signal to continue. If the A&O crystal is placed on or near the client, these downloads take seconds rather than minutes to complete. Am not called to use the crystals with every client but when I am they are with us.
Jennifer (4/3/07): I wanted to share an amazing experience I had just a few days ago with my A & O Crystal partner. I was doing Machaelle Small Wright's 'Object Meditation' for the first time. In following along with her CD, I chose the A&O Crystal to meditate with, although it could have been any object. In the guided meditation, I merged the conciousness of the crystal with my entire being. It was a profoundly deep meditation experience, the deepest ever for me. At the close of the meditation, I asked the crystal if there was anything it wanted to share with me. Immediately I got this message of love and gratitude coming to me from the beloved Creator and Creation. I was reminded that they work hand in hand with me, or should I say, 'foot to foot', to help me rise to the occasion of my upcoming assignments. I had a vision that as I take each step into the unknown, following Creator's will for the benefit of all beings, I will be met at every step of the way with full support. I literally saw myself stepping out in faith, even with huge, complex projects before me. A roundish piece of earth 'appeared' under each foot step as I walked into infinite space. For me the message was that all I need will be provided to fullfill my upcoming assignments in the best possible way. The assignments are two back to back Earth Healing workshops in Europe this coming June, ( . With my concussion of two years ago and never having done two weekend long workshops back to back, I was in a state of overwhelm. The blessed A&O Crystal partner comforted me with just what I needed. All is well! I am indeed grateful for the support I feel coming from this precious Being to me and my beloved work in the world. .
Doreen/White Spirit Dove (3/1/07--writing about etheric programming of another of her crystals by E'Lara): Yes, there was a definite shift with this crystal......I picked it up the following morning to say "hello" and WoW!! She was different. Using the pendulum, asking whether male or female, there was no response......asking if this energy was of the collective (unified field) happily gave a giant "yes"..... So, you have succeeded in the re-programing of my this not amazing????
Doreen/White Spirit Dove (2/27/07): This is just a short note regarding something I recently discovered about "my friend". When the time comes to meditate or "get clear".....I have been guided to place the crystal into my mouth and hold it to the roof with my tongue and breath in gently and all of a sudden, am transported to a wonderful place of peace, grace and this place, "stuff" happens. This is truly wondrous!!!!!
Stephen (2/2/07): Thank you for the update [which encouraged crystal keepers to check in with their crystals to receive arecent download of new information], I immediately took my crystal out and it sent shooting energy all over my body and continues to radiate all around me . .. Bless!
Doreen/White Spirit Dove (1/28/07): Since receiving the seed crystal this past week, I have noticed a change in my vibration. This little one is sooooo powerful, like having a private chamber where just the "seed" and I sit. I wore a medicine bag for the first several days with my crystal wrapped in green silk in a bright blue bag....even slept with him/her for those few days....wanted to integrate our vibrations......then realized, if I wish to function in this 3d world, needed to leave my friend home, knowing that we are connected. I am honored and feel very blessed to have received such a gift.
Madeline (1/27/07): Whow what an energy, I received the crystal and was so increadibly curious that I opened the envelop, knowing that I did not really have time at that moment to sit in quiet space with the crystal, but I needed to open the envelop. Well what I experienced only by softly touching the crystal was unforgettable. The energy was wonderful, like a hugh bliss...A nice story is what happend one day before I received the crystal: I was in Antwerp Belgium with five other people and we were visiting the Cathedral. We were at the place where the children were baptized and we were standing in the form of a startetraeder (Davidstar) 3 women and 3 men with the baptismal grail in the middle (for me representing Humanity). The energies were very powerfull, and we woman needed all our forces to be able to keep standing up (later we shared this same experience). I could see that behind every person man/woman a woman or man was placed in energy. So we became 12 instead of 6 and with the Grail in the middle, representing Humanity we were 13 !!!! We were all lifted up into a new level, I could feel and a man saw us becoming an octahedron (two pyramids on top of each other with one point pointing up and one point pointing down). Amazingly, when I recieved the envelop with the crystal, underneath the envelope lay a leaflet in yellow with the text: ALPHA & OMEGA !!!! Can you believe it ??? Well Spirit did get my attention with all these synchronizing events.
Ines (1/7/07): When staying with me Sira, my granddaughter of 9 years old, decided she wanted to hold the A&O crystal in bed before she went to sleep. I agreed with the intention it might be for her highest good and sat on the edge of her bed. Sira held the crystal carefully in her hands and to her heart. Afterwards she slept almost immediately. I went to my meditation room, did the same as Sira, and added even more places on my body to touch with the A&O crystal. There came a moment I no longer felt my body, just felt energy and happiness. Afterwards I went to sleep too. In the middle of the night we both awoke. I recognised feeling the strong A&O energy. Sira came to my bedroom and I took her into my bed. After some questions she told me that when she awoke she felt the same energy as when she held the crystal before she went to sleep, while the crystal was not in her hands this time.I told her I felt the same. By that time we both were so awake that we decided to rise and drink some herb tea. Downstairs, drinking tea and eating nuts we talked. Sira started telling me about her pet cavia that died and of the death of two of the four little cavia's soon after birth, children of the second cavia she takes care of. That brought us to talking about life and death. We told each other to whom we speak when feeling sad. Which brought us to Sai Baba, Jesus, Maria and angels. At last Sira told me how she imagined her guardian angel looked like. All this was of a great intimacy and openness. When we went to bed again, Sira slept in my bedroom and we both slept another couple of hours. I consider this night-time talk in A&O energy as a precious gift and my gratitude is great.
Connie B (received 12/27/06, but refering back to October): The crystal has been with me most days since it arrived. Last Saturday (October 21st) it accompanied me to a Transformational Prayer session given by the founder of TP Connie Huebner ( I am a practioner of TP. This was quite a powerful clearing of old thought patterns and infusion of abundance from MahaLakshmi. I had to lie on the floor on my stomach to facilitate release. The seed crystal seems to enjoy being in these healing situations. (I typed 'sees' a couple of times there - before I got 'seed' correct - there is a message there that this crystal 'sees' what needs moved in or out of my energy system and facilitates that.)
David (12/15/06): I returned Thursday (December 14) from a trying visit to the UK. You may have seen reports of the incredible weather. During my 11 days nearly 17 inches of rain fell, and several days wind gusts were exceeding 55 mph. I tell you this to preface a tragedy which I must immediately relay to you. At one point, as they were closing all North Atlantic ferries and the bridge at the Firth of Forth, I was about a half mile from shore and waiting for my chance to get back. I placed two waterproof bags around my neck. One contained my passport, wallet, and ticket. The other my phone, cash, and the crystal in a small leather pouch I carried constantly. As I climbed off the platform onto the boat, a section of platform gave way and six of us began to fall, 3 in the water and 3 clung to the rail, including me. Everyone was collected safely, but not till we had been banged about a bit. Later, when I was on dry land and changing to dry clothes, I realized one bag was gone - the one with the crystal, my phone and my cash. I cannot tell you how miserable I feel about this.
David (12/17/06--follow-up): This is often a very wonderful world, and I have a strange and delightful follow-up to my previous e-mail. Last night I finally got around to unpacking and when I pulled out the still damp clothes from that day a small foil-wrapped item fell from the cuff of my pants. When I unwrapped it - it was the Crystal! A short note which had almost washed away read: "I found your bag on the boat deck. I have much need of the money, and I have kept it. I do not know what this is, but it must be important to you and I am returning it."
Cythia (12/12/06): I have used the crystal you sent in meditation and healing. It has aligned with me and healed (raised the frequency) in several chakras--3rd-6th. I feel that it's purpose is to assist in raising the Peace (Oneness) vibration. Since I received it, I have focused on the Peace Conference in Washington DC in February.
Jennifer V (11/29/06): Just to let you know that the crystal arrived last week. Holding it in my hand, I felt such 'electrified' energy! I keep it on me now, in a pouch around my neck. Thank you so much.
Rebecca (11/27/06--writing about an etheric activation of a trinity of crystals during a conference call with Russell and Star Maker): The A & O Trinity Seeding was powerful. The connection between Azwala, Mary Anne and myself and also all our crystals was intense. My crystal was activated. It is so interesting. I have known that my crystal was waiting for something. However, the change is like it is now alive. Pulsing. It is not up to its full power yet. It is like it is resting while it absorbes the activation/seeding. I am much more connected to "my" crystal...but at the same time I feel it is it's own entity now. My body goes into shivering overdrive to talk about all this.
Rebecca (11/17/06): As I held the crystal for the first time my body started shaking and unbelievable waves of energy swept over me. As I read about the activating of the crystals a knowing came in and I felt as if I had been there at the ceremony. At the end when I read Solomon speaking, "Know that this day ye have witnessed the promose fulfilled......." My body again begin to shake and the waves of energy were......indescribeable.
Meg (11/2/06): When E'Lara gave me my A&O crystal, I did not feel anything significant. I carried it around with me for a few days and then a woman with MS came to see me. I was instructed to give the A&O crystal to her. At first I was resistant as I thought it was mine, but I realized that the crystal wanted to go with her, so I let it go. After telling E'Lara that I no longer had my crystal, she gave me another. That one stayed with me. It had the strangest effect on some of the stones in my garden. They were every day stones - certainly not crystals. The garden rocks began to talk to me and one called itself frog rock. It wanted to be close to my A&O crystal. After being with the A&O crystal for a few days, it wanted to be taken to various sites within the garden. Frog rock seemed very concerned that I would leave it and not return. I did return and it was taken to any place in the garden that it wanted to go. Now it is in the house with me. It stays by my bedside and I feel closer to frog rock than I do to the A&O crystal.
Rhona (10/10/06): A friend of mine held the crystal for a while and commented on its beauty and the colours around it. After a few minutes she had tears in her eyes and said she had just been shown what she had to do in her life. It was a moving experience for both of us.
[Note from Russell: Below is the first report we have received of physical effects prior to receiving the crystal; if others have had similar experiences we would like to know]
Connie B (10/2/06) Shortly after receiving the notice that I was chosen and I accepted being a seed crystal holder [September 15], I began a cleanse that I've needed for quite some time. I've been in cleansing for about two weeks. Last Thursday and Friday, September 28th and 29th [the actual seeding took place around 3 pm the 29th], I became quite ill at work each afternoon and had to come home and go directly to bed. During both times of exhaustion I had intense dreams, travelling etherically, meeting beings and being given information - although none of it that I can articulate at this time. I anxiously await the crystal and know that the past few weeks have expanded my energy lightbody, bumped up my vibration, and allowed me to settle into a new sense of calm and peacefulness.
Connie B--continued (10/9/06) Thanks so much for this seeded crystal. It is "cute". As soon as I opened it, I took my other crystals out of my pockets and put them back on my altar - a normal practice when I come home from work. I've held this one in each/both hands - rubbed it on my heart, throat and crown - and I'll carry it with me for awhile this evening. The information about the initial seeding of the Alpha and Omega is interesting - the energy coming through the words transported me to the ceremony.
Romaine (8/23/06): In my hand right now is the beautiful A&O seed crystal!!! I find it difficult to let it out of my hands, even if it is to place it upon my alter. This crystal holds Stillness and Calm before all. It radiates to me Eternal Peace, Unity and Divine Love. E'Lara, my gratitude is heartfelt! I feel that should spend more time with this treasure before deciding upon how I may "wear" it. My hand is getting quite hot from holding onto it...I somehow feel disrespectful by referring to this crystal as "it". I think that perhaps, in time, that l will be given a suitable "name" to use instead.
Paul (8/23/06): Well, I feel that I have to carry this crystal on me as much as possible, rather then put him somewhere inside the house. This stone is giving me a sort of secure feeling, also a sort of wholeness. I feel that something is missing when this crystal is not with me.
The seeding of physical and etheric locational crystals is something that we don't know a lot about yet. In September, 2006 someone offered to take small crystals seeded by Russell and E'Lara and bury them at Fatima, Portugal. When we received confirmation from Lord Melchizedek, we realized that we had a "new" way of anchoring the Alpha and Omega energy on Earth. In November, 2006 we were guided to offer crystals for placement with The Beloved Community at Talent, OR (James Twyman is the best known member of this community). Sharon Williams, the individual who received these crystals for this community, shared the following:
When I returned from a journey last week, there was a package from E'Lara and another from Russell each with a crystal designated for THE BELOVED COMMUNITY. I knew a very important influx of energy was coming in on November 23rd, our Thanksgiving in US, and was guided to wait until that day to place the crystals.
That morning enormous celestial Christ conconsciousness energy radiated from the sun during my morning sun-rise ceremony and for the first time in my experience sparkling flashes of light radiated from the sun and even as I closed my eyes afterwards remained for the longest time as I received the energy. It was such a joyful and exhuberant experience that continued throughout the day. I was guided to take the crystals to the center of our retreat Emissary Wheel which was created by stones and where we hold our ordinations and other sacred ceremonies and place them to be in these energies all day --- then the next morning (today) to do another ceremony with them and bury them.
The night before when I was with a very spiritual young woman from England who has been very prominent there along with her husband in spiritual affairs were sharing -- she said that she was starting to receive these very special sparkling energies which were stronger than any she had experienced before and asked me what I thought they were ----- I had heard a Mayan prediction the energies were coming in, but then from my Beloved Self came the message that this was the beginning of the THIRTEENTH RAY of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS/ASCENSION ENERGIES and would encompass all of the known twelve ray colors [E'Lara's Guides have confirmed this to be true]. For those that were ready this ray would enfold them in the love and joy of the christ consciousness energy and assist them greatly in their ascension journey. So both of us have been receiving these rays in joy the last two days as we know many, many others have.
At the present time we have several candidate locations confirmed. Depending the location physical or etheric crystals may be seeded by E'Lara, Russell or both of us. We welcome nominations for other candidate locations.
Placement of Locational Crystals:
Fatima, Portugal
(September 2006)
Beloved Community, Talent, Oregon (November 2006)
Sunman, Indiana (May, 2007)
Queen Wilhemina State Park and Kimberlite Crater, Arkansas (May 2007)
Las Vegas, Nevada (May 2007)
Persopolis, Iraq (May 2007)
Ggantja Temple on Island of Gozo, Malta (May
2007): Report and Photos
Tahiti: one in garden-like area in Airport Terminal and one in the ocean (May
Windgather Glade, Bloomington, Indiana (June, 2007)
Hong Kong (June, 2007)
Long's Peak summit, Colorado (August, 2007)
A&O Crystals and Congress of the Ancients
On August 25, 2006, Barbara LaRocco sent the following message:
Received the Crystal and finally had a chance to channel with it.
This is amazing and truly powerful. This Lemurian has taken on a huge task. It is a Universal Key that opens doors to the Congress of Ancients and Total Realms. We have been gathering at night in the Congress meetings to plan and field the many new developments. The Ancients are from various planets and traditions and are now able to meet again after many many years of separation in which only certain parts of the Congress were in contact.
We've worked with many of these wonderful friends and have met them in various incarnations. Many of us were at the landing in Australia, Hawaii, and Atlantis. The Tibetan connection is also there. More old friends in one place than ever. This is what we've been waiting for. The energy is high enough to contact the Congress at night in dreams and now more in meditations, visions, and healing. Our crystals are part of the fabric of this meeting--part of the foundation of the new Congress...not having met since before this planet existed, our crystals hold the history of each of the Congress members. New assignments will be made starting Sept 17th and be in full operation by Oct 28th. This is a period of energy integration, upgrade and it fulfills many of the ancient prophecies.
Some of the prophecies involve a second coming. This is the second coming of the Congress and the energies they bring. It reestablishes a level of spirituality that was not seen in total since the beginning of time (time being also associated with the populating of Earth).
Using these crystals and many more, we will be able to participate with the Congress and access it's resources.
Several of my crystals are speaking to me at once and I will need to listen to their information and let you know--I rejoice in our work that has made the Congress possible. I am told that there are places on the earth where incarnations of the Congress members are meeting in the flesh! More later.
Love and light, Barbara
Susan Hannah and Lemurian Light Ray (Alpha crystal),
, Galveston, TX. E'Lara and Lemurian Light Ray work with fifth dimensional
energies and above. For that reason direction has been received that the image
of the Alpha Crystal is not be be shared---not even within this restricted
venue. Spirit has indicated E'Lara's Merkabah Logo (brought through for her
by Maia) is the appropriate image to share in this space. Central to this
logo are the 4 Golden Ankhs.
Boulding and Star Maker (Omega crystal),
, Bloomington, IN (websites:
Russell and Star Maker focus on very dense third dimensional energies through
to fifth dimensional energies in the A&O work.
The division of labor between Alpha and Omega becomes apparent in these descriptions above. E'Lara and Lemurian Light Ray appear to anchor and expand upon the more active work that Russell and Star Maker are engaged in.
A&O Seed Crystal Keepers (Alphabetical by first name, email addresses not linked, websites are--if you have a website and would like it listed, let Russell know: Also, if anyone would like to share a picture of themselves or other image for posting, send them to Russell.
Anna Sterk,, Kapelle, The Netherlands
Annie Bursik,, Durban, South Africa
Annie Vanlaer,, Belgium
Anrita Melchizedek, (website:,
Cape Town, South Africa
Antera, (websites:
and, Mt
Shasta, CA
Azwala Rodriguez,, Marshfield, VT
Barbara Brodsky, (website:,
Ann Arbor, MI
Barbara LaRocca, (website:,
Oakland, CA
Barry Coffin, 3731 State Hwy 14, Santa Fe, NM 87508
Benny LeBeau, (website:,
Riverton, WY
Carolyn Evers, (website:,
Cockeysville, MD
Cheryl Lam,, Nassau, Bahamas
Christine MeleriesseThum-DeFebo, (website:,
Marlton, NJ
Claudia von Schachtmeyer,, Gmunden, Austria
Connie Beachy,, Fort Hill, PA
Connie Landfair,, Sewickley, PA
Cynthia Piano, (website:,
LaSalle, IL
David Hill,, Bloomington, IN
Dee (Dolores) Mitchell, , Gainesville, FL
Denny Unger,, Somerset, PA
Huges,, Tempe, AZ
Dionne Deschenne,, Port Townsend, WA
Doreen Goodlin,, Bernalillo, NM
Ellen Noome, (website:,
The Netherlands
Grandma Chandra, (website:,
Tempe AZ
Hans Rietveld,, The Netherlands
Hans van Keken,, The Netherlands
Ines Lighthart Schenk,, The Netherlands
Jason Gregory, Zionsville, IN
Jeff Landfair,, Scarborough, ME
Kukainis,, Las Vegas, NV
Jennifer Vyhnak, (website:,
Bristol, VT
Johanna,, The Netherlands
John Van Rees, (website:,
Vancouver, WA
Jonathan Staggers,
Judi Garris,, Friendswood, TX
Kaliana, (website:,
Charlotte, NC
Kathey Huckabee,, Katy, TX
Laura Vuskovich,, Austin, TX
Lisa Felisky,, Rochester, MI
Cheriex,, The Netherlands
Marcell Resnik,, LaJolla, CA
Martina von Schachtmeyer,, Vienna, Austria
Mary Anne Shand,, Portland, OR
Matthew Norris,, Bloomington, IN
Maureen St. Germain, (website:,
New York, NY
Meg Shehad, (website:,
Friendswood, TX
Michael White, (website:,
Berkeley, CA
Michelle Eloff, (website:,
Gauteng, South Africa
Michelle Jennings,, Toronto, Canada
Du Laing,, Belgium
Paul Janssens,, Belgium
Polly Westcott,, Chester, VT
Rae Chandran, (websites:,, Tokyo,
Randy Hansen,, Chimayo, NMRebecca
Merlene,, Chandler, AZ
Reynolds Kamakawiwoole, (website:,
Honokaa, HI
Rhona McGuire,, Sanbury, Victoria, Australia
Romaine McGuire,, Isaacs, A.C.T., Australia
Ronna Herman, (website:,
Reno, NV
Rory Muniz,, Templeton, CA
Sally Friend,, Cambria, CA
Sean Sands,,
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
Sean Tice,, Bellemont, AZ
Sharon Monk,, Portland, OR
Sheiliah Graham, (website:,
Las Vegas, NV
Sia Marchal
(see Virendra, below)
Sonnie Hendricks,, Cambria, CA
Stephen Cipes, (website:,
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Sue Hughes,, Rock Creek, British Columbia
Sue Schneider,, Dickinson, TX
Susan Sanford,, Cottonwood, AZ
Suzanna Kennedy, (website:,
Kilauea, HI
Thaedra Mabrahkan,, Merida, Yucatan
Tyberonn, (website:,
Houston, TX
Valerie Donner,, Walnut Creek, CA
Virendra Marchal, (website:,
Chino Valley, AZ
Wanda Rickey,,
Mesa, AZ
Will Watt,, Spencer, IN
Pets Holding the A&O Crystal Energy
Rebecca was the first to ask whether pets might be candidates for A&O seed crystals and to E'Lara's surprise, she got an affirmative. Her dog Helios Hannah was the first to receive one. We welcome nominations for pets. If the pet is confirmed as a candidate, you are invited to select a crystal to be seeded etherically at the appropriate time.
Below is a list of the names of pets who have received this energy:
Baba Piano
(dog, Cynthia)
Helios Hannah
(dog, E'Lara)
Turk Merlene (dog, Rebecca)