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Participating: Judith Moore (Oracle), Sean Sands (Scribe), Russell Boulding, E'Lara Susan Hannah (Clips from the channeling noted; this is not a complete transcript).

Judith: What I was getting as Russell first spoke is that there is to be an Alpha and an Omega Crystal on the Earth - male and female - and that Star Maker is to be initiated with the Lemurian Crystal has. Russell remembering their Hybornean lifetimes as soul mates, OK? (E: Alright) deep spiritual union as man and wife in the Hybornean Temples. The Brazilian Crystal Cities of Light is the place on the planet where Hybornea is anchored. Now, at the crown chakra is the Gateway to Hybornea, but the purest place for the Hybornean vibration to be held on this planet is through the Brazilian crystals. (E: Oh my gosh!) I didn't understand that before this moment, and we are to visualize a map of the world and see Brazil and then Atlantis in the Bahamas and Lemuria in Hawaii. See that it's one big triangle. Now, the Gateway to Hybornea . . . The gateway, the entry to Inner Earth which is the Hybornean Realm, is through the North Pole. There's an entrance to the Inner Crystal Earth through the North Pole, Inner Earth, and that's the Hybornean - the place where the energy is held in the Inner Sanctum Hybornean Energy for the planet. If you then connect to the surface, where that would manifest is Brazil. So, we are to see that connection now. I'm envisioning Russell and E'Lara are dressed in robes of the Masters. Russell in this capacity is energetically very, very powerfully in his persona of the Key Keeper of the Brotherhood of the White Ibis; and E'Lara Shambhala Crystal Ray Master. We are at the gates of Solomon's Temple. We are standing at the door, and Sean and I are - whoa, whoa, we're carrying the Cup of the Holy Grail, the Cup of Magdalene and Christ. A lot of energy came in as I saw that. I see us behind you, and both of us have our hands on the stem of the Cup of the Grail. We are entering Solomon's Temple, and I see the Melchizedek Masters there - the 44 Melchizedek Masters - and Lord Melchizedek is there. We are entering and Russell and E'Lara, in their hands they are carrying their crystals that they have now to be activated in the physical plane from that plane. They step into the Seal of Solomon. They honor the Masters and the Temple of Solomon, and I'm feeling the power for Earth and for Creation that these Lords of Solomon have manifested in a form that I can see in a vision - that this is significant for this planet that they have manifested in this form. You each are kind of bowing, but not in a subjective state, but in an honoring way to each of these 6 Masters and to King Solomon. You are asked as you stand in the center of the Seal of Solomon, Sean and I would be standing with Sean next to Russell and I'm next to E'Lara. We're standing in sort of a crescent with the Cup of the Holy Grail in the center of the Seal of Solomon in front of us. Sean and I are speaking in your behalf that we have been asked to guide you to the Temple of Solomon because we feel that you have been called to energize these Alpha and Omega Crystals through the 7th Ray to the 7 Masters of Solomon. That is affirmed, and we are welcomed.

Jesus and Mary Magdalene are stepping into the crystals now and into the merkabah. Very intense energy is happening when they did that. They are like a pillar of light twined around each other. Gold and white column of light through the center of the Grail and the center of these two crystals. As they did this the two crystals merged into one light body. (Judith tones) Sean and I have merged our light bodies with Magdalene and Jesus, and around the field is now the aquatoric nirvana bubble of light. The energy is held in the center of the Grail as Russell and E'Lara now turn holding the crystals tip to tip, touching together, and their hands now are connected. It's so amazing because each crystal has its own definition yet the two crystals are in a unified field. So it's a total balance of male and female polarity, and the balance of the Alpha and Omega energies in both these crystals while each one of them maintain their own energy. I'm being told that E'Lara is the Alpha Crystal and Russell is the Omega Crystal. Now they step forward and Sean and I embodied by Mary Magdalene and Jesus are holding that space in the center of the Grail in this beautiful gold-white pillar of light that's the 8th pillar. Oh, the 8th pillar, the cup of union, the Pillar of Union. There is so much energy going from the 7 Masters, Solomon and the 6 Masters of Solomon into the Grail and then coming like a pyramid. These 7 Rays to the center of the Grail and then accumulating as if the Grail is the capstone of energy. Now it's coming through because E'Lara and Russell are kind of standing at an angle where the crystals are together in front of them, and they almost form a triangle or a triask with the unified field of the crystals and then them holding them at an angle if you can image that. Coming in from the Grail is a beam of light. Now they are stepping before the Throne of Solomon, and that beam of light is connecting now through the crystals - from the Grail through the crystals. I could draw a picture of this it is so amazing. Through the heart of Solomon. (Judith tones) Now I'm seeing the fire letters. Each of the 6 Masters on either side of Solomon, the pillars at the distance, the furthest pillars are igniting now in energy. From the pillars through the Master on either side of the furthest pillar comes fire letters. They're coming from the pillar through the heart of the Master through their hands which are cupped and extended. No, I'm going to change that. The right hand's on the heart, the left hand is extended. >From their palms these fire letters are flowing into the crystals. Now, the second pillars, the middle pillars, these are different. These are different than the fire letters. They are like the figures that I see on the Tablets of Abraham in the ancient tablets. I'm getting Sanskrit; I'm getting Sanskrit. Now the pillar that's closest to Solomon is just pure white-gold light, a beam of white-gold light into the crystals now. As the 6 rays meet in the center it joins the Ray of the Grail. The 7th Ray is the Pillar of Ibis, and Sean and I are being pulled through that ray, through these crystals and into the Pillar of Ibis. Then we are creating an energy field through the movement of our light bodies which is very fluid right now - from the center of the Grail through the crystals and Solomon's heart because there is a Christ-like energy in the center of those crystals in Solomon's heart. I'm connecting now to the Pillar of Ibis, and the whole of Solomon's Temple is illuminated with gold light. I sense that there's other Masters present witnessing this, but the Masters of Melchizedek are the ones holding the space for this merkabah. It feels like that merkabah that was at the center of the Grail now has moved into - with the movement of our light bodies' fluidity between the crystals and Solomon's heart and out to the Pillar of Ibis and back to the center and out to the Cup of the Grail. Now this 7th Level Melchizedek Merkabah is energized in the entire field of this Temple of Solomon as it has come into concentration and then it expanded. Now it's accelerating and anchoring the merkabah light body of the Alpha and Omega Crystals of the Masters of Solomon. Solomon is speaking now through me:

"Know that this day ye have witnessed the promise fulfilled foretold by the Prophesy of Isaiah in the lineage of King David. Know that you are witnessing an actual event in the Temples of Solomon and that your DNA, because of your lineage, permits human involvement in the Prophecy of the Masters. I feel Esther's Lens coming in very strong, and I feel that Randy is holding an energy for that Metatronic Light in E'Lara. Very powerful Metatronic energy is coming in now. "Know that that which you witness is an accumulation of mystical forces and energies that have been prepared on this planet for millennia and now is received, manifest, and witnessed; and thus it is sealed throughout creation. Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebayoth, etc.

He has his staff and he's taking his staff and now he's leaning forward and he's touching the tip. He's holding his staff with "both" hands. It's a golden staff, and it's touching the tip of his staff to the crystals that you are holding before him.

"These crystals are hereby sealed and received by the authority of The One Immortal I AM Presence, the Everlasting Eternal Essence of Creation that by that authority I have been sent to this realm to affirm."

He's saying the word ahaya (?), ahaya, ahaya, ahaya, ahaya 7 times, ahaya. Whoa! I'm seeing the Ark of the Covenant. It's appearing energetically gold, and it is surrounding. It is like etheric. It's not physical, it's etheric. It's translucent, it's transparent. I can see it's forming an energy field of the Ark energy around these two crystals, and I'm being instructed that there is a direct connection to the 7 Seals of the Ark of the Covenant and the 7 Masters of Solomon and the 7th Ray because the 7 seals of the Ark of the Covenant are open and thus this Alpha and Omega energy can be energized for the planet from the Masters of Solomon through the 7th Ray. Amen, Amen, Amen, So Be It, and So It Is. It is done. These crystals have entered the House of the Immortals and shall live as Beings immortalized in Earth's consciousness in the vibration of Earth's creation, and you two are the keepers of these two sacred crystals for Earth. You may be guided to, and have permission to, create seed crystals from these two crystals. Smaller crystals that go out to people who need to carry them to significant places on the planet. If you do so, you must do so as Priest and a source of abundance of small crystals will come to you where you don't have a financial consideration - that these crystals are to be given freely and not charged for because any crystal that is energized with this vibration - other vibrations, that's different - but with this vibration any crystal that is energized and you have to get your own affirmation on that are smaller seed crystals that you have a great quantity of and can be given freely when you are guided to give them. So, I'm going to ask the two of you if you are feeling aligned with this?

E'Lara: Yes, I get confirmation on that.

Russell: Yes, absolutely.

Judith: Sean? (Sean: Yes)

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